
About Us

Troop 39 was formed in November 2000. We are chartered by VFW Post 10139 in Chuluota. We serve the Oviedo, Chuluota & Geneva areas of Seminole County. Troop 39 is proud to have advanced 24 Eagle Scouts!


Mission: Troop 39’s mission is to help our boys grow into fine young men as they journey through the successful time-honored traditions of the Boy Scouts of America. We provide an exciting program where they will be exposed to and taught self-confidence through leadership, self-reliance, initiative, and community service as well as lifelong skills. We provide a safe environment in which they will have fun as well as gain rewarding experience with memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.

Leadership: Troop 39 is a BOY run troop. Trained adult leaders are on hand to offer guidance and ensure safety. Here we truly offer the boys the chance to plan, lead, fail and learn from their mistakes. It is a time tested method that has turned out some great young leaders in our community. Michael Burd is the Scout Master of Troop 39. He has the help of 5 Assistant Scout Masters and a committee of dedicated parents to keep things running in the background.

Scout Leadership consists of a Senior Patrol Leader and an Assistant Senior Patrol Leader who are elected and oversee the entire Troop during weekly meetings and campouts. They are helped by elected Patrol Leaders and Assistant Patrol Leaders which oversee their individual Patrols during meetings and campouts. There are various other leadership positions available such as Quartermaster, Scribe, Librarian and Troop Guide that are held by other scouts.

Troop Meetings: We are a year round Troop that meets on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8 pm at the VFW in Chuluota or Walker Elementary. Meetings revolve around learning skills, working on advancement, and preparing for the current month’s campout or event.

Monthly Outings: We generally camp one weekend each month at a variety of locations around Florida. We also attend Summer Camp each year as a Troop alternating between Camp La No Che within our Central Florida Council and going out of Council to places such as North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia. We also participate in Council led Camporees and Jamborees. We have at least one family campout a year to places like Itchetucknee Springs, the Florida Keys and Florida Caverns.

Service Hours: In addition to our outdoor activities, Troop 39 Scouts takes great pride in helping others within their community, and in other communities through a variety of Service Projects which include Scouting For Food, Eagle Projects, and volunteering at various organizations.

If you would like more information about Troop 39 or to schedule a visit, please use the "Contact US" link in the left navigation pane.

Yours in Scouting, - Troop 39